Money, Money! It’s that time a year when the B.R.I.D.G.E.S. students get to experience opening their first bank account at the local bank. Students and their parent(s) drove to the local Bank of America on a Saturday morning where they got their accounts set up. They each met with a teller, provided them with the necessary information, and applied for a debit card.
The students are counting down the days until their first debit card is mailed to them. Once all the students receive their card, facilitators Donna Mansolillo and Kathy Gorman-Gard will schedule another Community Based Instruction (CBI) trip to Bank of America where students will have the chance to use their debit cards to deposit their first check from the HDS Foundation B.R.I.D.G.E.S. Grant.
Students will be spending the next 10-12 weeks, learning how to budget by calculating tips and taxes along with purchasing their lunch and staying within a certain limit. We are looking forward to seeing what the B.R.I.D.G.E.S. students will do next with all their new skills they are learning this year!