On April 30th, HDS Foundation President Cristina Miranda Gilson, along with Board Members, Meagan Bouscher and Kate Gilson Miranda, Program Manager, Liz Falk, PR Consultant, Rixys Alfonso, Cypress Bay BRIDGES Facilitator, Kathy Gorman-Gard and Dr. Tara Rowe, Director of THRIVE Program at University of North Florida all had an opportunity to participate in a live webinar with Dr. Temple Grandin.
Temple, a world-renowned autism spokesperson, scientist, and inventor who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 and did not begin speaking until she was 4 years old. The webinar gave participants insight to the successes and challenges she has faced throughout her life having autism. Dr. Grandin also shared stories of her childhood and what others with autism can do to improve the quality of their life.
Temple took the time to answer many of the participants questions. HDS Foundation Junior Board Member, Kate Gilson Miranda, who is studying Early Childhood with a minor in Disabilities at the University of North Florida, sent in a question for Dr. Grandin to answer and asked about how she could make parents of young children feel confident that she can do a great job working with their children. Temple gave her some very good advice and told Kate to make a video with her working with children. She states that it is important to show everyone what you can do so they are not focused on your disability.
Everyone enjoyed participating in this webinar. It was wonderful to get some insight into Dr. Grandin’s life and how she has not allowed her disability to hold her back. She has written many books and continues to travel around the world sharing her story and inspiring others in her journey to help those with Autism.
Dr. Temple Grandin is a prominent author and has written many books on autism. Her most comprehensive book for parents and educators is called The Way I See It (A Personal Outlook on Autism). Another book that she wrote, Thinking in Pictures (My Life with Autism) is her personal autobiography about visual thinking. Lastly, The Autistic Brain (Helping Different Minds Succeed) focuses on visual thinking, math, or pattern thinking, and word thinking which will be useful for fully verbal children teenagers, and adults. Temple also includes a large section of this book on careers and jobs.
Families that are interested in participating in any of Dr. Temple Grandin’s upcoming webinars, can register on Temple’s website: Dr. Temple Grandin, Ph.D. templegrandin.com.