March 8th, 2019 marks International Women’s Day. Started over 100 years ago, the first gathering on record was in 1911. This is an international celebration, acknowledged by various countries across the globe.

“Women are key members of our workforce and community.  At HDS, we continue to find opportunities for women through mentoring and leadership. Our vision and diverse skill sets create stronger foundations and platforms for emerging possibilities,” says International woman, Cristina Miranda Gilson, owner and founder of HDS Companies and President and CEO of the HDS Foundation (A 501(c) 3).

HDS Companies is a proud to announce that for the 15th consecutive year, we have received the Woman & Minority Business Certification from the state of Florida. Additionally, HDS is also certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council as a National Women’s Business Enterprise. We are an ethnic-racial diverse organization that continuously promotes a positive employee culture. HDS is pleased to have a ratio of 60% female and 40% males employed by the company.

To learn more about The HDS Companies, visit our corporate website where you can select each of the HDS units: Housing and Development Software,  eHousingPlus, and The HDS Foundation

For additional information contact Zainab Hageldain at 954-217-9597 x 260 or at